However, both of us can agree that everybody is different. “That’s it. That's all you have to referred to as to why you need your own personal Website”. OK, allow me iterate further. God has given all of us an extraordinary ability. You may not have found yours, but when you need to do, then half the battle is won. Because all you should do now's express it in writing to make it virtual reality. If you express yourself, your articles will probably be original because who else is exactly just like you. Take everything that you've experienced in your life, extract the pieces that you will be very pumped up about and write it down. Keep writing, organize it and submit it to the World Wide Web (www).


Given that We have mentioned that you need your personal website, I must show you why the above mentioned is regarded as the significant tool in determining how powerful your online presence will be. Since you are a primary Seller of Internet marketer, you most likely have a duplicated Website issued to you personally with a company you enrolled in. This Standard Website is shared by thousands, or even, an incredible number of individuals that enrolled in the same program while you. Now pat yourself on the trunk for learning to be a section of “Public Enemy #1”.


Search engines like google seek out original relevant content for Internet users. Search engines like google just have one website of each and every Direct Sells or Affiliate product. Your company issued website is simply another page that has got to be moved taken care of. Search Engines like Websites that add new content to the WWW and brings new users to the WWW…not Websites that duplicate information that is already there. The only real genuine way to avoid duplication is usually to be YOU! Just write in the heart and will also be amazed with the original content you've got in your mind.

People often purchase from people they know…not strangers. I recall my Avon district manager giving me two boxes of Avon Brochures. I passed them out in front of your Wal-Mart until the manager ran me off. I know I passed out a minimum of 200 brochures. The brochures contained my website, email address and phone number. I received no contacts from that advertising campaign…not one.

Once you've depleted your warm market (Friends and Relatives) you have to start working on find other downline and customers. You can attempt offline advertisement by wasting money passing out business cards to strangers, leaving pamphlets here and there or do what I did so in front of Wal-Mart. But this doesn't work. I understand what you might be thinking, however am not too ugly or smell that bad. In order to consistently earn a six or seven figure income, you have no other choice but to venture into the WWW via search engines or social media marketing. Here you need to make friends or acquaintances by earning their trust and respect.